Bondage and BDSM: everything you need to know
BDSM is a sexual culture accessible to everyone. Even if you know absolutely nothing about it, on the site you will find everything about BDSM (Bondage, Domination, Sadomaso and Fetish), from theory to practice. We guarantee the most complete selection of S&M and bondage equipment for men and women. If you're curious, but you don't know anything about BDSM, you've found the perfect shop for you: our commitment is to tickle all your fantasies, providing you with information and BDSM items suitable to satisfy them.
- Bondage: not only sex
- Types of bondage: practices
- Bondage and BDSM: practices for everyone
- Bondage and BDSM: forbidden but safe practice
- Bondage and BDSM: online prices
- Bondage: an ancient art
Bondage: not only sex
For those who do bondage, sex is only a part of the whole: this discipline is based on the concepts of bondage, first physical and then spiritual, and trust, or rather willing submission to the partner. It is an art form that does not degrade, but rather ennobles the sexual act, introducing a whole universe of references and psychological implications that penetration alone completely excludes. The submission consists mainly in tying, between them or to the sides of a bed or a chair, hands and feet of the partner with handcuffs(rarely steel), ribbons, bands, cuffs and ropes bondage. The extreme erotic charge of this sexual practice, which can serve as a preliminary or be carried out during the actual sexual act, does not derive so much from the "bondage" or the partial immobilization in and of itself, as from the perception of undertaking something unusual and transgressive and the possibility of exercising control over the pleasure of others. The adoption of other humiliation practices such as spanking with whips or the use of sexy lingerie came later as did the mainstream diffusion of the discipline. According to a recent survey, bondage has been experienced at least once by about 64% of Italian women. Do you want to join the club too?
Types of bondage: the practices
Depending on the parts of the body involved, the tools used and the binding technique, bondage can be divided into: soft bondage - the best known - in which only the extremities of the body are bound with ropes, handcuffs and bands; mummification bondage, which is the complete immobilization of the partner's body until sensory deprivation; suspension bondage, which involves the suspension of the body with ropes and cables, and finally hair bondage, which involves the immobilization of the face through various hair tie-downs. If you are confused, try listening to BDSM erotic stories to stimulate your imagination and get inspired!
Bondage and BDSM: practices for everyone
If you've never tried bondage, start exploring this section of our sex shop dedicated to bondage. The tools for bondage and S&M practices that you will find here are accessible, easy to use and safe: whips and paddles, masks and blindfolds, handcuffs and bands, often satin and packaged with elegance. Bondage and the items we offer you to try it, are designed to improve the life of a couple in every aspect of its intimacy. Learning and deepening the techniques of bondage can be an exciting journey as a couple and buying bondage accessories together on your favorite shop, can be a very hot part of foreplay. Our bondage gear is for everyone: there is no such thing as more masculine or more feminine bondage. That's why we strive to be an inclusive BDSM sex shop, where you can find BDSM items, bondage accessories and fetish items for all genders and orientations. For a more complete experience you can add the use of a sex toy.
Bondage and BDSM: forbidden but safe practice
The "prohibition" factor is the sexiest aspect of BDSM but to experience true pleasure the road must be clear of obstacles and thoughts. Our S&M items reflect the intent to practice risk in complete safety: to experience the techniques on the edge of the law as physical restraint, spanking and blindfolding you will find all the safest BDSM tools on the market, from the most harmless, such as BDSM lingerie, to the most extreme, such as the gagball or handcuffs. Our bondage and BDSM items are assorted to satisfy all tastes, from the darkest to the pinkest and comply with the safety requirements in force: we think in particular of bondage items, which touch areas such as breasts or intimate parts, which must be treated with respect and delicacy.
Bondage and BDSM: online prices for all budgets
Now that you have arrived on the best S&M site in Italy we ask you to tie your belts tightly - a little tighter - and dive into the universe of S&M and bondage with confidence. You'll find all the most beautiful and affordable BDSM items on our sex shop: our choice of erotic and fetish items includes a very wide range of prices that will allow you to buy different bondage accessories to try various techniques. You will practice bondage and sadomasochism safely without improvising DIY bondage items that are unsafe and above all unsexy!
Bondage: an ancient art
Bondage is a centuries-old art that draws fromJapanese shibari, which in turn derives from the submission techniques of the martial art Hojojotsu put into practice in Kabuki theater. Bondage is much more than a sadomasochistic practice of domination and submission: the reason for the "bond" (between man and man, but also between human and divine) is realized in a place and a space in which the "bound" is recognized full esteem and authority. In Japan, in fact, the police and the samurai began to use this technique to immobilize prisoners: the plots, shapes and designs of the ropes, all of the same material, hemp and jute, made it possible to recognize the lineage of the prisoner in order to bring him the due respect. Since then, the technique has become an art, first a martial art (shibari) and then a sexual one, thanks to the wise geishas who were able to recognize its beneficial effects on the erotic life of couples.