Vagina Gym Set
Vagina Gym are the vaginal balls of MySecretCase
A set of 3 geisha balls of different size and weight to gradually exercise the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor, starting from the lightest single ball to the heaviest double balls. The single ball is larger and lighter is easily held inside the vagina; the second ball consists of two smaller balls and elongated, strengthens the perineum; the third ball with two balls even heavier is optimal for a flawless tone of the muscles. The Vagina Gym set are easy to use and to insert, they help to have more intense orgasms and to rebalance the tone of the pelvic floor especially (but not only) after pregnancy and menopause. To introduce them it is advisable to wet them or use a small amount of water-based lubricant, without exaggerating otherwise you risk slipping. After each use it is necessary to clean them with an antibacterial cleaner specifically for medical silicone sex toys.
- Material: medical silicone
- Size:
- 5 x Ø 3.7 cm
- 8.5 x Ø 3 cm
- 10 x Ø 3.4 cm
Water Resistant: YES

100% silicone

Impermeabile (IPX7)
Ma che meraviglia 🤩 sono stupendi!
Top!Palline della dimensione giusta,pesanti quanto serve per allenare i muscoli del pavimento.
Buon prodotto, utile per tonificare. Ottimo acquisto. Facile da inserire con lubrificante.
Comode e facili da inserire, consiglio l'acquisto!
Non ho mai usato questo tipo di articolo, l'ho trovato comodo e per nulla fastidioso.
Già facevo gli esercizi di Kegel queste sono un completamento per una vagi ancora più in forma...e gli orgasmi ringraziano 😅